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From academia to reality

Providing Opportunities

Undertaking a work placement is an integral element of your 3rd year of study. It is experience that will hold you in firm stead for future employment and of course enhances your CV.

A work placement involves you working as a Counsellor with clients, in an organisation, under supervision. This is an invaluable part of your learning experience as it puts you in the real world of applying for jobs.

There are many well-recognised organisations that have experience in the provision of placement opportunities and who have local branches. We advise you to write to these organisations as well as the smaller local centres for a greater chance of a response.

It is also important for you to be flexible. You may prefer to work in a particular setting but the wider your application process the better the chances of success, it will also broaden your experience and chances are you will enjoy it.

It is ultimately up to you to be prepared, apply in good time, keep your options open and ensure you are interview ready. Organisations are looking for resilient, competent and well informed students to take on . Students will be provided with a Placement Information Pack in their second year, the pack includes a comprehensive guide on work placements.

We work with a number of organisations who accept Chrysalis Students and we can guide you towards opportunities. Below are links to a selection of organisations who have previously accepted our placement year students.

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