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Student Case Studies

Reading and engaging with our student case studies has proven to enrich the learning experience, equipping students with the expertise and confidence to excel in future counselling careers.

Laura's Story

COURSE:Advanced Diploma Psychotherapeutic Counselling

I had often thought about training to become a counsellor and one day something clicked and I decided to go for it.

I spent a lot of time researching different courses and qualifications and Chrysalis really appealed to me because I could go to work, look after my family and still gain the qualifications I needed to pursue my new career. The weekend dates really suited me and I looked at it as time out for me to do something that I enjoyed.

The interview process was quite straightforward and it was made really easy as everyone I met and spoke to was friendly and helpful.

I decided to take the Advanced Diploma course which was a three-year course including Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapeutic Counselling. I had never even considered taking hypnotherapy but I’m so glad I did as it gave me a greater understanding of the benefits of relaxation during therapy and also really helped connect the mind and body as a whole. My tutors were fantastic, always very approachable and giving plenty of their time to help guide me along the way.

On my first day, I remember feeling very nervous but I soon realised that everyone was nervous and that there was nothing to worry about. It didn’t take long to see that we all had a lot in common and we started forming study groups each month to share practising techniques and talk over the course. I’ve really met some wonderful people and made lifelong friends along the way.

The course itself was a challenge, but it’s worth putting in the effort to do well and get a great basis for the future. I am so proud of what I have learned and achieved and feel this course and my tutor have given me a great understanding of the counselling process and all it involves.

During year three I became a volunteer at a local women’s centre and this really helped with my studies and gave me so much more confidence. I was also sent on lots of training courses in return for volunteering which was great for my personal and professional development. I continued volunteering after I graduated from the course and think I always will.

After I graduated my choices were to either find a job or set up on my own so I have now set up my own private counselling practice. I work from private therapy rooms near where I live which are owned by another counsellor and I can rent by the day or by the session which makes life really easy when starting up a business. I have private supervision which is a requirement when counselling and I find this indispensable. I love meeting new clients and learning more about them and myself and the satisfaction I get when a client starts to respond to counselling is worth all the hard work.

I’m so glad I took the plunge and went on the course with Chrysalis. I can honestly say it has changed my life because not only has it given me a new career but it has changed me as a person. I have learnt so much about myself and those around me and my outlook on life now feels so positive because I know exactly who I am and what I want. I would not look back.

David's Story

I completed my training with Chrysalis Courses last year and have successfully attained Diplomas in Hypnotherapy & Counselling Skills (2012), Psychotherapeutic Counselling (2013), and a Diploma with Distinction in Advanced Psychotherapeutic Counselling (2014), and went on to start my own private practice in August of 2014.

Hello, my name is David Lambert, and I started training with Chrysalis Courses in 2011, at the grand young age of 56. Prior to my qualification, and during training, I worked as both an employed as well as a self-employed computer programmer. I had done quite a few other things over the years, but mainly I.T. orientated.

Year One
I did not know what to expect on that first day of the course. I was one of a quite sizeable number of people wishing to train as therapists, and it is quite interesting looking back to the person I was then on that first day. I remember being quite delighted at experiencing fellow colleagues as being genuinely nice and how knowledgeable and thoughtful our instructor, Karen Ferguson, was. I think I was one of many “rabbits in the headlamps” on that first day, but I came away feeling excited by the experience. I had finally taken the plunge and made myself do something that I had wanted to do for countless years.

The study group meetings were a very important part of our development as therapists. The hours spent in practice sessions with fellow students (colleagues) are logged and a part of the overall training requirement, but study groups are also valuable for exchanging experiences and concerns, which are wonderful for self-study, and for getting valuable support. Practice at giving hypnosis built confidence, and I found being hypnotised to be a very pleasant and fascinating experience. Students often share resources and books and of course build trust, an essential ingredient in any hypnotherapy. Work done in study groups is an essential part of the training to be a therapist.

By the end of the first year, we had gained useful and some quite amazing therapeutic tools and experience for our therapist toolbox, not only in practising hypnosis, but also in counselling skills and awareness of different approaches. At this point, after successful qualification, we could if we so wished begin to practise hypnotherapy.

I feel that this first year of studying hypnotherapy and acclimatising myself gently to a steady study and reading ethos was very valuable for me as a foundation for the following years. I think I would have missed real opportunities for some personal growth too, not to mention the friendships with some amazing people that I made, if I had missed year one.

Year Two
Our instructor was Lorna Cordwell, a very experienced psychotherapist and hypnotherapist of some standing. She was very approachable and an excellent tutor.

In year two, we looked at the theories behind and the methodologies of different approaches to psychotherapy, and by combining their use we arrived at an Integrative Approach. Each of the approaches has its wisdom and its definite place (this becomes clear as one studies them all), and it is through being able to call upon them all individually and together in combination that we are more able to offer therapy that suits the client’s requirements and temperament.

When it got to that time to consider who we could treat for case studies, we were once again faced with the challenge of finding suitable clients, as we were in year one, but one mustn’t forget that because our training had also included a much wider range of issues, and we required only two case studies, that the pond we could fish in had become much larger, so to speak (normally, I would say it is not good practice to equate clients to coldblooded water dwellers). It was challenging but not insurmountable to find two suitable people with issues covered within the course.

Year Three
There is a real bond that develops between students/colleagues, and people are missed and their absence felt when they leave. It is hardly surprising that sharing even a year of honest and open self-reflection creates deeper and more meaningful friendships, even if they are transitory. Paying attention to these feelings is valuable as they are often similar to what is experienced in the therapy room.

In year three, somewhat more hardy but also perhaps feeling just a little battle-worn, we met our third-year tutor, Melanie Phelps. Melanie was also a very qualified, experienced and established therapist. I found that the modules in year three were deep thinking and wonderfully instructional, and we added even more depth to our understanding of the different approaches. I am so glad that I did year three with the additional training for more complex issues. Since doing the training I have called on the skills acquired in that third year many times.

The third year added a great deal more to my understanding, and if you were to ask me whether one should do all three years, then my answer would definitely be “yes”. I hope that you are able to sense that I have gained personally as well as professionally from my three years of training, even though this is a very abridged version of my original and much longer offering. I think that you will find it worth doing all three too, even if just for what you will have gained from insights into yourself. I am certainly a very different person to the one that I was on that first unsure and quite a nervous day!

There are few things that come anywhere close to being as deeply meaningful as when one witnesses a client having an “aha” moment, finding themselves and their own inner strength, and perhaps shedding a weight that they have been carrying for many years… We humans really are quite amazing. I was very lucky to have seen this with one of my second year case studies as well as with my rather extraordinary third year case study client (there is only one case study to do in the third year as it is more advanced in nature), and of course in my therapy room since training.

The psychotherapeutic process is remarkable to watch, and even more remarkable to participate in.

You can see from what I’ve written that my experience was very positive and that each of the course years expanded my understanding of psychology, psychotherapy, and of myself considerably. I don’t think that it is an exaggeration at all to say that I have emerged as a different person. Relatives, as well as clients, have commented on how attentive I am to what they are saying, and also how peaceful I am. These are real and permanent changes to who I am and how I think, they are not just learnt techniques.

I also think that I was very fortunate in having three absolutely marvellous course tutors, but the effort still has to be put in by us to do the reading, study, and practice, to make that information real and deeply meaningful to ourselves. There are no shortcuts to becoming a good therapist, and one needs to take every single step of the journey, planting ones feet firmly on the ground.

Our instructor Melanie once said, “Never let anything fester”. The only other option is, of course, to take action in the moment! Wonderful advice. The same applies to writing essays too, and there is great benefit in understanding why it is that some students will do essays as soon as they can, while others will leave them to the last moment and risk not getting them in. There are interesting issues at play in both cases! And as students studying psychotherapy, we might also find this fascinating to unravel, and maybe even change in ourselves...

David Lambert Dip. Hyp. CS, Dip. PC, Ad. Dip. PC MHS, MNCS (Accr.)

Jaclyn's Story

I feel incredibly blessed to now have a career and business that I derive both pleasure and pride from.

Jaclyns' Story

I had been an accountant for 15 years but when my mum passed away in January 2013 I was reminded that life is too short to spend my time in a job that offered no satisfaction.

I saw first-hand the positive impact of counselling after the loss of my mum so decided to search for a course that delivered the necessary skills for a career change, without having to give up my current job and forfeit an income.

I found the Chrysalis Course online and with a location close to my hometown it ticked all the boxes. If I am entirely honest, I was not enthralled that the first year covered mostly hypnotherapy, but I was assured that this would be a fantastic tool to add to my counselling ‘toolbox’. From the first class I was ‘mesmerised’ by the power of hypnotherapy to implement positive changes. My light bulb moment came in module 6 when we covered hypnotherapy for weight management and I realised that this was something I wanted to focus on. As I had a keen interest in healthy eating I decided that to assist clients in weight management and provide the best possible advice I would also need to gain a qualification in nutrition. For the next six months, whilst completing my course, I also studied with the healthy science academy to become a level 5 nutritionist, registered with the college for nutrition.

Upon completion of both qualifications I rented a room in a gym and set up a wellbeing clinic after making the decision to build my client base instead of continuing to study. In this initial year I branded myself as ‘The Mind and Body Detox’, a two-pronged attack on weight management using personalised nutrition ad hypnotherapy. My office space is perfectly placed to attract my target market, combined with attending regular networking events; I have built my business steadily.

It has been unbelievably rewarding to assist people in reaching health, fitness and weight and lifestyle goals. I have continued to attend courses and workshops in order to broaden my skillset and am now a Lorisian practitioner offering food intolerance blood tests and a level 1 holistic lifestyle coach with the CHEK institute as well as an independent consultant for Arbonne, enabling me to recommend a range of botanical wellbeing products to my clients.

In January 2016 I will be holding the first ever Mind and Body Detox retreat for 3 days. This will be a long weekend of meditation, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, organic eating and fitness, to propel the attendees into becoming the best possible version of themselves with their mind and body. I feel incredibly blessed to now have a career and business that I derive both pleasure and pride from. The biggest lesson I have learnt since embarking upon my Chrysalis Courses journey is that sometimes the negative events in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that ever happen to us.

Stay focused on the end result, it is unbelievably worth it!

Jane's Story

Friendships grew and the support we gave one another really helped. If you found yourself not fully understanding something, being able to dicusss this next time the group met really helped.

Janes' Story

If I start at the very beginning then I would have to go far, far back to when I was very young and had this desire to help people to be happy. This did not come into fruition until I found myself feeling very fed up, realising that life was slipping me by and I was in a job I really wasn’t happy in aged 47. I, therefore, decided that it was time for me to actually start doing what I wanted to do, helping people.

I began by searching courses looking for one that would fit in with my private life, enable me to study from home but be of a high quality and recognised within its profession. I found Chrysalis and after reading through the website I decided it was the course for me. At this stage, whilst I was interested in hypnotherapy, having had hypnotherapy for panic attacks when I was much younger and knowing first-hand the positive impacts it can have on someone’s life, I hadn’t actually planned on training in this.

I signed up with Chrysalis in 2011 and started the Hypnotherapy with Counselling Skills course with the aim to continue on to the second year Psychotherapeutic Counselling. During that first year, I found a new understanding and appreciation of the power of hypnosis. I liked the format of studying in class one day a month and then undertaking each module at home for the rest of the month as this worked well for me. Study groups were quickly formed and we met frequently firstly practising on each other with trepidation and then becoming more and more confident. This group practice was also very handy as it helped a lot towards the 50 hours required of logged practise.

Our friendships grew and if anyone found that they didn’t understand something then being able to discuss it with the group was really valuable. The class grew together during this year, as people and also as hypnotherapists. As you work your way through each module you find you start to think about things in a completely different way, becoming more respectful and aware of the power of the brain. Being able to work towards each module every month, in your own time, enables you to pace your own learning, fitting in with your everyday life and responsibilities.

The second year of studying involved more about how the mind works, what makes people tick and something that I found very interesting. Before I realised it, I was “listening” to people around me in a different way and became more and more aware of their body language and how this does or doesn’t, connect with what we are saying. I learnt a lot about myself during this year, using my own personal situations, thoughts and feelings when completing modules. I undertook a lot of research; entering sites on the internet that I never knew were there which were filled with lots of amazing information. I started to become more aware of myself, my life and what I did and didn’t want.

I found that taking this course on was life-changing… for the better! I became a much better listener, picking up on the words spoken, that don’t fit what the person is saying, some may call these Freudian slips but I call them “subconscious slips”!

I enjoyed studying both courses for differing reasons. I enjoyed the hypnotherapy course because it is learning a lifelong skill, you have it with you where-ever you go and can use it however old you are! I enjoyed psychotherapeutic counselling as things in my life started to make sense and it turned out to be a really therapeutic journey for myself as well.

Since completing the courses I started my Hypnotherapy practice formally in March 2013, though had been practising on friends and family beforehand. Initially, I was nervous, especially seeing my first proper client, but you soon find that all you have been taught during this course swings into action very quickly. I added Psychotherapeutic Counselling to the business when I passed that in August 2013 and have found this side of the business equally interesting and satisfying. I have my own treatment room at home and work the hours that suit me. I continue to study whenever I can, do a lot of reading, undertake courses when I can, as I feel I can always learn more in this kind of profession. I am finally doing what I have always wanted to do and feel happy.

I would definitely study with Chrysalis again as both of the tutors on each course were very good. The lessons were well planned and led and enabled me to learn that best way that I could. For me, I do feel I have “Chrysalised”! I am where I am meant to be, doing what I am meant to do.

Ian's Story

One of my ambitions after taking early retirement was to find out more about how hypnotherapy worked in practice.

Ians' Story

One of my ambitions after taking early retirement was to find out more about how hypnotherapy worked in practice. I had no personal experience but my wife had seen a hypnotherapist some years earlier and had overcome her fear of heights. With time on my hands for the first time in a long while, I decided I needed to know more about why hypnotherapy is such a powerful tool when helping people take control of their lives. It took me a long time to look for a course that would suit me and the Chrysalis course seemed to be perfect. Classes were held monthly over the weekend and the course was held at Southampton University, close to where I live.

After applying and being interviewed I started the counselling and hypnotherapy course and found I was studying with a great set of people from all walks of life. Some, like me, were interested in the subject but wanted to specialise and go on to be counsellors whilst others wanted to acquire life skills that they could apply in their day jobs, working as teachers or nurses. We had a painter and decorator, a funeral director and many with existing skills and knowledge in other therapies. Our tutor made sure we covered every aspect of the prospectus and was especially keen that we developed our own personal style and technique through practical experience. I soon found myself working in a small group, meeting at my house to discuss and practice what we were learning on the course. Amazingly many of us still meet today and help each other by sharing best practice.

The pace and depth of the course was challenging, but meeting once a month to learn new skills, hand in our assignments and catch up with each other was very rewarding. I was delighted to pass my course and I signed up immediately with a Chrysalis recommended supervisor, who I still work with today. We meet once a quarter and discuss any issues and concerns I may have and I can also contact them 24 hours a day via e-mail or telephone.

Today I run my own practice in Botley, Hampshire and specialise in working with people who wish to dramatically improve their lives. I enjoy working with people suffering with a variety of anxiety disorders including panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, specific phobias and work-related stress. I have also become an approved therapist with Anxiety UK and offer an individually designed intervention to suit the requirements and specific problems of their members, offering appointments face to face, by webcam or by telephone.

Since qualifying with Chrysalis, I have continued my study and obtained an advance diploma in Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy plus diplomas in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

One thing that stands out about training with Chrysalis was the quality of the tutor. She was not only a really experienced practitioner but she could also relate her experience to our backgrounds. I have spent all my working life in a corporate background and was the CEO of a not for profit organisation for the last seven years of my working life. It was pointed out to me that much of my experience could be translated into working with people and helping them change their lives through hypnotherapy. Everyone on the course was made to understand that their life experience was easily translated into good working practice.

Gina's Story

I can honestly say that this journey has completely changed my life - it is life-enhancing.

Ginas' Story

I was first introduced to counselling several years after the death of my parents who died within a couple of months of each other. I was 26 at the time with a young child just having been through a divorce. I struggled on for a few years not realizing what was wrong with me. Physically, I felt tired all the time, my body ached and I felt old. I was able to put up a good act most of the time but I was very low mentally. Then a friend told me about a homeopath who was also a counsellor so I went to see her and had a series of sessions. I didn't realise that part of my problem was unresolved grief, and because therapy really helped me I decided that I wanted to train as a counsellor. I have always been interested in complimentary and alternative methods of treatment and friends came to me with their problems saying I was a good listener. I just couldn't afford the costs involved so had to put it on the back burner.

Some while later, I suffered a head injury due to a slippery floor and received a compensation payout, then as if by magic, I saw an advert for hypnotherapy and counselling training with Chrysalis. So now that I had the money I could finally train. I contacted Chrysalis and enrolled on the three-year course. I wasn't really sure about hypnotherapy at first, I had only seen stage shows and hadn't even considered becoming a hypnotherapist but upon completing the first year I immediately set up my own practice and started working. I have never looked back, I love it, I am very passionate about hypnotherapy and I am so pleased I did the course. I went on to do the further two years and although there were some challenging times I appreciated how counselling and psychotherapy gave me so much more. You learn so much about yourself and also other people’s behaviours.

During the hypnotherapy training with my tutor Sharon, I said "I want to be good enough to do what you are doing one day" and she replied, "I think that you will ".

It took me a few years and another divorce but nowadays I am teaching Hypnotherapy for Chrysalis at two venues and thoroughly enjoying it, teaching brings different challenges but it's so rewarding to see students learning the things you love doing.

I've run my own practice for coming on 10 years. I still enjoy it now as much as when I first started. Since qualifying, I have attended various CPD courses over the years and added to my knowledge, which keeps me fresh and up to date.

I strongly recommend anyone who is taking only the first year to enrol for the second and third year as it just makes your whole 'toolbox' so much bigger and enhances your whole way of practising.

I can honestly say that this journey has completely changed my life - it is life-enhancing.

Rebecca's Story

I spent the first part of my career as a social worker, first working with children in residential care, and then training to become a child protection social worker. I loved my job and was very good at it however, when I had my own daughter in 2007 I just could not envisage going back into Social Work.
Rebeccas' Story

Before I trained as a social worker I had completed a year’s certificate course in counselling skills. I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot about myself as well as gaining a basic understanding of the theories underpinning counselling. I started looking through the job section of my local paper and came across the advert for Chrysalis, this is when I had my light bulb moment. I called head office straight away, filled in the paper work and got an interview. My interview was the first ‘work’ thing I had done since having my baby and it felt incredibly surreal, as did my very first day at Chrysalis. I remember being dropped off by my husband and daughter, they gave me a good luck card and I walked into the room feeling nervous and scared but excited for the future.

That first day flew by, Karen Ferguson was my hypnotherapy tutor and she was very different to the lecturers at university. She moved around the room and was very dynamic. I left that first day feeling exhausted, elated and sure in the knowledge that I had made the right decision. I was going to become a counsellor; I was going to have my own practice. My next step was to move house so we began hunting and I found a house with an office in the garden. It was perfect and I moved in just before the end of my first years training, ready to set up my business. During the first year I had learned how to use hypnotherapy, a completely new skill and one which I continue to use to great effect for anxiety, hypnobirthing, building confidence and helping people move on from their past.

I had paid for the whole 3 year Chrysalis course up front because it was much cheaper to do it this way and it meant that I had committed to the 3 years. Starting in the 2nd year I continued to practice hypnotherapy but also started to learn more about counselling and became more determined to work as hard as I could. Having previously completed a degree and diploma I found the essays comfortable to complete during the course. One of the reasons that I’d chosen Chrysalis was because of the flexibility they offered. There was one days per month which suited me as I needed to return to work in order to fund my new venture and it also meant that I could work around my daughter. I joined a brilliant study group of women who also had young children and we all understood the pressures each other faced. We were able to support one another and meet at times that suited us. I soon became very good friends with the women and we were able to support one another through the emotions raised by the course.

While studying with Chrysalis, I undertook therapy for myself and quickly learned that many of the reasons why I had gone into this field were exactly the reasons why I did need some professional support. I found a therapist and was able to work through my own issues with the support of them and my study group. In fact, I worked through my issues so well that at the end of my second year I had my second baby! Now studying with one child had been manageable as it was only one full day per month and there were flexible study groups. Studying with a child and a new born however was something else!! Abby was born in September and I was back to Chrysalis in October so I had a few weeks to get myself together and persuade Abby to take a bottle of expressed milk so that I could attend class. It was never easy to leave her but the understanding that I got from my tutor and classmates was brilliant. It also helped that one of my ex-tutors had a baby at the same time!

Unfortunately after Abby, I developed Post Natal Depression. This was not something that I had a huge amount of knowledge of and it took me by total surprise. I knew that something was wrong, I tried to talk with my friends, my health visitor, my family about how I was feeling but they just couldn’t get it. One the outside I was coping, I was studying, looking after my 2 children, but on the inside I was struggling. I still remember the day that we looked in depth at depression. I remember looking at the checklist for PND in my notes and thinking, this is what is going on for me. My tutor again was amazing (I expected nothing less from her, she was amazing through the whole year). I sort help from my GP, talked with my family and gradually got better. I finished my diploma with a new baby, a distinction and a new career ahead of me.

5 years after I finished my Advanced Diploma where am I? Well, I run a successful Social Enterprise providing affordable counselling in Hertfordshire, I have people working for me, I have a full case load of clients, I run a support group for mums struggling with the emotions around pregnancy and motherhood and I support Chrysalis students by offering placements. I am currently completing my own placement to gain my advanced professional diploma which will allow me to further my studies with Chrysalis.

I began my training at Chrysalis with the idea that I would have my own practice. I envisaged working from my home garden, seeing enough clients to pay the bills and keep my brain working. I have ended up running my own therapy centre!!

Hilary's Story

The best feeling in the world is when a client tells you that you have helped them change their life!

Hilarys' Story

From HR Advisor to Self Employed Therapist/Tutor – 2009 to 2015

Following a 20 year career as an HR Advisor I was offered redundancy. This was just the opportunity I needed because although I had thoroughly enjoyed my work, the role had significantly changed and there wasn’t much capacity for someone who preferred offering support and guidance rather than the strict business approach.

I knew I wanted to work in counselling in some way but didn’t know where to start. I started looking at various courses but none of them fitted with the demands of home and family. Then I saw the Chrysalis advert in a local newspaper whilst waiting for a Chinese takeaway! I looked at the website, sent for a brochure, had an interview and was offered a place on the course.

Although I had not initially considered becoming a hypnotherapist, I found the subject fascinating and it became a personal journey of discovery for me. It answered a lot of questions about my thoughts, feeling and behaviours, and I believe that this is an essential part of the course as it underpins all the knowledge required for Years 2 and 3.

My journey throughout the three years was not without its challenges. During Year 2 my mother passed away and so I deferred the course for a few months. Chrysalis were very supportive during this time and I was able to continue when I was ready. I finally completed the Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy in 2012. It may sound corny but I cannot describe the feeling of pride I felt when I received my certificate!! This had been a journey of hard work, writing essays at midnight (not recommended) and periods of self-doubt. However, during this time I made lifelong friends and still keep in touch with a number of my classmates. I had shared my journey with likeminded people and believe I had finally found the right career for me (at the ripe old age of 50 something).

At the end of Year One, I decided to set up in private practice as a hypnotherapist while continuing to study. Module 10 of Year One really helped with this as, like most people, I didn’t know how to become self-employed. I set up my practice at home to start with (being fortunate to have a spare room), had some business cards and leaflets printed and set about advertising. I made some mistakes, which is normal, but I gradually started to attract clients. I also joined business networking groups which was really successful. I have to admit that I was very nervous when seeing my first ‘real’ client, but this is normal. I was very glad that I had practiced with my study group and gradually I became a lot more confident. After about six months I was offered a room one day a week at a physiotherapy clinic and this was really useful as I also attracted clients who came to the clinic. I practiced in this way for four years, during which time I put together a website, attended various CPD courses to expand my knowledge and gave talks to business and networking groups. My practice continued to grow and with it, so did my confidence. In June 2014 I took a big step and moved into a room within a business centre. I chose the location because it was set in 12 acres of parkland, which provided a peaceful setting for my clients.

At this point, I felt drawn to tutoring because I really enjoy talking to groups about hypnotherapy and it seemed the next natural step. So I applied to Chrysalis, had an interview and was offered a place. I am currently tutoring a class in Cambridge and am about to begin working with a class in Norwich. I really enjoy my role as it provides a good balance of seeing 1-1 clients and enables me to talk about a subject that I truly believe in.

My practice continues to thrive and I am now in the fortunate position where most of my clients are referrals from previous clients.

So, from that one newspaper advertisement, I have a wonderful career. Sometimes it is hard work and often emotionally draining. However, the best feeling in the world is when a client tells you that you have helped them change their life! The rewards are immeasurable.

Darryl's Story

It's a great honour to be asked to teach the Hypnotherapy course in Belfast. To be given the opportunity to pass on my knowledge.

Darryls' Story

My name is Darryl McCullagh and as well as having the honour of teaching for Chrysalis courses in Belfast, I am also in private practice as a Hypnotherapist and Hypnobirthing Practitioner.

I have always been interested in Hypnosis since I was fourteen years old. For many years I practised hypnosis and was self-taught initially from books and then the internet.

Twenty-four years later that love of Hypnosis has continued to grow and started to manifest itself into a personal need to know more about the subject. I was also becoming interested in the therapeutic aspect of hypnosis, but unfortunately, at the time, there were no training courses in Northern Ireland that taught Hypnotherapy.

Thankfully within a couple of months, Chrysalis started the Diploma in Hypnotherapy at Stranmillis Collage, Belfast and I was lucky enough to get onto the course. My first day as a mature student was an anxious time for me. Would I be able to cope with the workload vs family life? Was I smart enough? Would I get along with my fellow students and more importantly for me, was this the right course to develop my skills and knowledge as a Hypnotherapist?

Within the first module, I knew that any questions, doubts or anxieties were unfounded and I met the greatest group of people ever, people who I still consider friends. We had a fantastic tutor who was very knowledgeable, professional and able to support everyone in the class no matter what abilities, skills or knowledge they brought with them to the course. My time learning with Chrysalis was amazing and thanks to the course, the teaching style and the tutor, I feel it shaped me to work to the levels of professionalism my clients expect from me now in my private practice.

After I qualified from the course, for personal professional development I decided to take further courses in Anxiety and Panic management, as well as Fertility issues and sexual disorders. I also took a keen interest in using Hypnosis during childbirth and subsequently qualified as a Hypnobirthing Practitioner in March 2015.

It's a great honour to be asked to teach the Hypnotherapy course in Belfast. To be given the opportunity to pass on my knowledge, skills and Chrysalis course materials to a new group of aspiring Hypnotherapists/Counsellors is a continuation of my professional personal development and is something I am really looking forward to doing.

Lesley's Story

Journey from psychology to counselling and on to tutoring with Chrysalis.

Lesleys' Story

As a little girl, I always wanted to help people, as I grew so did my passion for supporting others. You can only imagine how much I love my job and the joy I have in tutoring others in counselling psychotherapy.

At the age of 37, I began studying for a degree in psychology. I graduated six years later with an honours degree. I was completely hooked on exploring the minds and behaviours of others and so went on to complete a Masters degree in The Psychology of Education. While psychology satisfied my hunger to understand the human experience it didn’t give me the knowledge and know how to work in a specifically meaningful way with individuals without considering a scientific approach and generality.

I was told by a technician at MRI that her son after studying for his degree was beginning a course run by Chrysalis on Counselling Psychotherapy and that I really ought to check it out. On reading all about the modules on the course and ways in which I could study with Chrysalis I applied without any doubt that I had found what I was looking for.

Little did I know how much the course would mean to me, I learnt more about myself and how others think, feel and express themselves. Chrysalis were there to support all the students every step of the way, I always had quick responses to any query I contacted them with. The way the course was structured meant I was able to fit my studies around my family life and work too! Each module was fascinating, encouraging me to want to learn and understand more. I always drove home from the class with my mind whizzing with excitement and curiosity, thanks to the tutors who were able to bring to life the theories and approaches used in counselling.

After achieving an advance diploma in Counselling Psychotherapy I decided to go into private practice. Within a few months I began seeing my first clients, yes I was nervous and yes I was afraid I might not be able to carry out all I had studied for. There was no need to have been so concerned, it was all I had hoped it to be and more. Four years later I still get a thrill to be working (it isn’t work it is my passion) as a counselling psychotherapist. My clients have taught me so much about how others struggle and overcome their times of trial and deep-rooted issues. I admire them greatly and am honoured to have supported them on their path to healing.

Chrysalis had empowered me to find the career I had always wanted and so I hoped to give something back by becoming a tutor. After a successful interview, I can now proudly say I am a tutor for Chrysalis teaching Counselling Psychotherapy. I hope my enthusiasm is felt by my students and encourages them to explore and study all that Chrysalis has to offer. I am very grateful for the conversation I had that day at the MRI and for all the opportunities Chrysalis has afforded me.

Sue's Story

Journey from psychology to counselling and on to tutoring with Chrysalis.

Sues' Story

I had been interested in hypnosis for many years and had used it for help with dental treatment and flying phobia and had also experienced past life regression. When I started looking for a Hypnotherapy course Chrysalis was the only local course that offered a year-long programme rather than a 4 day or 2-week course. I felt that to become a confident and competent hypnotherapist I personally needed a course that would allow me the time to fully absorb the study material and give me the opportunity to practice and develop my skills over time whilst working with other students and volunteers.

I really liked the way the course was structured and found the course materials clear and informative, written in a way that made it easy to follow and understand rather than being loaded with incomprehensible jargon. I made some very good friends whilst on the course who supported me throughout my time at Chrysalis with whom I remain in contact.

My tutor Jaz was a highly qualified Hypnotherapist and Counsellor who had a very broad-based knowledge on all of the issues that were covered in the course. She always made the course very interesting and greatly inspired me.

I have only recently graduated but I am in the process of setting up my Hypnotherapy practice which I am very excited and enthusiastic about. The staff at Chrysalis have been extremely helpful with any queries I have had and their course fees are highly competitive.

I would highly recommend Chrysalis to anybody looking for a rewarding career change or anybody looking for personal development. I only wish they offered a course in Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques/CBH/NLP/EFT!