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What is CPD in counselling?

June 21, 2023

2 minutes, 49 seconds

This article details what CPD is in counselling, why its important and different types of CPD. 

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The world of counselling is ever-evolving and so professionals must stay up to date with all the latest research, skills and knowledge.

Continuous Professional Development, or CPD, is crucial in this and can help you build up your existing skills and develop new ones. This article will explore what CPD is in counselling, its significance, and how it benefits both you as a counsellor and your clients.

Understanding CPD in counselling

Any CPD you participate in should focus on the process of acquiring and refining the skills, knowledge and competencies needed for you to deliver effective counselling services.

In the UK, counselling is often subject to updates and advancements, and CPD can help you stay up to date with any changes. Ensuring as a counsellor you stay informed and adaptable as well as using the latest techniques will help you support your clients in the best possible way.

Why is CPD important?

There are so many reasons why participating in CPD as a counsellor is important, including:

  • CPD helps counsellors to enhance their competencies by expanding knowledge and building on existing skills, whilst also being aware of the latest advancements and evidence-based research.
  • All counsellors have an ethical responsibility to provide the best possible care to their clients, through competent and effective services. CPD can help fulfil this responsibility by ensuring your practice is aligned with the latest professional standards.
  • There are some professional counselling organisations and bodies that require their members to regularly participate in CPD to uphold their certification or registrations and demonstrate their commitment to professional growth.
  • Partaking in CPD can enhance your reputation and credibility as a counsellor, and help you network with other professionals and counsellors.

Types of CPD activities

CPD can cover a wide range of opportunities and activities for learning and growth, such as:

Workshops and conferences

Attending workshops, seminars, and conferences allows counsellors to learn from experts in the field, explore new ideas, and network with fellow professionals.

Training courses

Enrolling in CPD counselling training courses can deepen your knowledge of specific counselling techniques or specific groups of clients, such as children, that are relevant to your current role or where you wish to develop your career further.

Supervision and mentoring

Participating in regular supervision or mentoring relationships with other experienced professionals in your field can not only develop your skills but also allow for reflection, feedback and guidance.

Professional reading and research

Keep informed by reading books, academic journals and research articles that not only look at the developing theory of counselling but also emerging trends and updates to existing techniques.

Online learning

Take advantage of webinars, online courses and virtual conferences as these can provide convenient and economical access to CPD opportunities anywhere in the UK and around the world.

Where can I find CPD for counselling?

Our growing suite of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) workshops are specially designed to provide you with new skills and knowledge in many different areas relevant to your practice. These CPD Workshops are intended for those of you who are already qualified and working either as a registered Hypnotherapist, or as a registered Psychotherapeutic Counsellor.

It’s important to look for reputable CPD providers including professional bodies such as The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society or The National Hypnotherapy Society.

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