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Tips on how to find a new career path at any age

April 23, 2021

4 minutes, 40 seconds

Explore our tips on how to start a new career at any age. 

Woman choosing a career path

It’s never too late to realise your full potential and explore new and exciting career opportunities.

No matter what age you are, you can embark on a new career path that allows you to do what you love. After all, with the majority of us working for most of our lives, it’s important for your health and mental wellbeing that your job makes you happy, challenges you and gives you a reason to leave the warmth of your duvet every day.

Whether you’re finding a new career after 40 or considering a career change at 50 or 60, it really is never too late.

If you’re at a point in your life where you are considering a new career path, you’ve certainly landed in the right place. We’ve created a guide outlining our top tips for finding a new career path.

Find a new career path

You can embark on a new career at any age. There are lots of ways to prepare your mindset for fulfilling your goals and chasing a new career.

Here’s the best ways to find a new career that you’ll love:

Have a firm idea of the career opportunities you want to explore

Before putting a plan in place to achieve your career aspirations, you should carry out research to establish whether your chosen career is the best option for you. Ask yourself:

  • Does it suit your skills?
  • Are you interested in it?
  • Will it fit in with your life?
  • Will it allow you to thrive and achieve your goals?

Remember, never be fearful of chasing your dreams when it comes to your career.

Take your time

Embarking on a new career path is not something you should rush into. With this in mind, take your time, weigh up your options, carry out research and identify the best route to achieving your career goals.

A great way to determine whether this is a positive move is to write down the reasons why you want to explore a new career, as well as what you like and don’t like about your current job. This should help you decide whether you really want to make the switch.

Be flexible

Age should never define you. It’s completely fine to switch up your career whether you’re 20 or 60!

However, you do need to have some sort of flexibility and consider what’s actually realistic. For example, if you need to go to university, will that fit in with your family life and financial commitments? Will you need to move to another city or country? If you already struggle with your work-life balance, will your new career take up more of your time?

What skills do you need?

Whether you’re looking to train as a mechanic at 30, a nurse at 40 or a vet at 50, it’s important to research the educational qualifications, licenses, certifications and other regulatory requirements you need. Browse job listings and career guidance sites to find out what specific skills are needed and how you can enter the industry.

Rebrand your professional image

Thanks to advances in technology, it’s now easier than ever before to get yourself noticed online in a professional capacity.

Platforms such as LinkedIn make it incredibly easy to connect and engage with professionals working across a diverse range of sectors. If you’re embarking on a new career path, this provides the perfect opportunity to rebrand your professional image and contribute to discussions online and network.

Many people are also happy to share their experiences of working and offer tips on how you can kick-start your career, so look to connect with people working in the roles you’re aiming for.

Create a career plan

Now it’s time to create a career plan that works for you. Sit down and write down how you’re going to make the switch to your new career. Think about updating your CV, gaining qualifications if required, and meeting all the requirements needed for your new position.

Remain positive

No matter how old you are, you should always remain positive when job hunting. You may have setbacks and it might feel as if your new career is never going to happen. But you should never give up! Turn the setbacks into positives and keep working towards your goal.

Reduce stress

On that note, when you’re looking for a new job or exploring a new career, try to keep your stress levels down as much as possible. It can also pay to keep distractions to a minimum.

New careers offer people of all ages the opportunity to learn new things, whether that’s learning to code, save lives, use new equipment or understand data to make decisions. There are lots of new and exciting opportunities that can be explored at any age.

Remember, with the right level of drive and passion, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Career in Counselling or Hypnotherapy

Have you ever thought about a career in Counselling or Hypnotherapy? With venues throughout the UK, Chrysalis Courses are now the UK’s market-leading trainer in counselling courses and talking therapies.

If you are interested in training to become a fully accredited Counsellor, be sure to check out our counselling courses or if you wish to start practising as a professional Hypnotherapist, then take a look at our hypnotherapy courses. Alternatively, if you're interested in learning how to become a hypnotherapist or a counsellor with Chrysalis Courses first then see our guides on how to become a hypnotherapist and how to become a counsellor.

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