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James Arthur is suffering from depression, says star's sister

December 2, 2013

1 minute, 1 second

James Arthur's sister has claimed that he is suffering from depression, according to

The singer's sister, Sian, said in an interview with The Mirror newspaper that the singer is lonely and suffering from anxiety attacks. She also said that the star is not coping well with fame.

Arthur, 25, who won the thirteenth series of ITV 1 show 'X Factor' back in 2012, has been involved in a number of online brawls lately. One included an argument with former X Factor contestant Lucy Spraggan, where Arthur was accused of being homophobic.

Sister Sian claims that things are so bad with the star's mental health at the moment, that her and her family are overcome with worry. She said in the interview, according to "We've been so worried about him this week, he's been diagnosed with depression and anxiety attacks. He put it really simply to me. He just said, 'Fame has mentally broken me'. Sometimes I wish he'd never won X Factor."

The sibling continued: "Despite finally having what he's always wanted, he says he feels like a caged animal surrounded by yes-men and is really lonely."

Arthur cancelled a number of appearances and shows last month, claiming that he was suffering from "exhaustion".

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