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How often should you go to counselling?

June 1, 2023

2 minutes, 55 seconds

What is counselling and how often should you go? Find out by reading this article. 


Due to the decline in negative stigma, more of us than ever before have had therapy and attended counselling. This means record numbers of people are getting the help they need for their mental health which is good as there are lots of benefits of counselling.

If it is your first time meeting with a counsellor, it is likely you have many questions. One of the most common questions is, how often should I go to counselling? It’s only natural to want to know what to expect in terms of results from your counselling sessions and how many sessions you will need before you get your desired outcome.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer but there are general guidelines available to follow that can help determine how often you should go to counselling.

What is counselling?

Counselling is a talking therapy where a trained counsellor or therapist will listen to you and help you find ways to deal with and manage emotional issues.

A counsellor is trained to listen with empathy and assist you to identify and overcome problems, issues, and barriers in your life. Common issues that counsellors help address include relationship difficulties, bereavement, anxiety, and unemployment.

Counselling sessions are highly confidential and considered a safe space to talk and speak about troubling emotions.

How often should I go to counselling?

The answer to this question will be different for every person. How often you should go to counselling depends on a variety of factors. These factors include but are not limited to your goals for counselling, your symptoms, the history of those symptoms, and the treatment methods offered by the counsellor.

During your first counselling appointment, you will get to know your counsellor, discuss your symptoms, and become familiar with the appointment process. If you feel comfortable, you can then discuss with your counsellor how often you should see each other.

It is important to remember you don’t need to decide on a therapy schedule before your first visit. Your counsellor will use their expert knowledge and experience to advise the frequency they think you should meet.

Among the most popular therapy scheduling methods are weekly counselling sessions, biweekly counselling sessions, and counselling sessions as they are required.

Weekly counselling sessions

Regular and reliable counselling sessions can help provide emotional security and safety. Having just one session each week can help stabilise your condition and easily fit into your existing schedule.

Biweekly counselling sessions

While weekly counselling sessions are a great starting point, biweekly sessions, twice a week, allow you to explore your feelings and condition in greater detail. This extra time also enables you to discuss broader subjects and areas of concern.

It’s important to remember that bi-weekly sessions can also refer to having a session every other week, or two times a month. Make sure you clarify with your counsellor which frequency they are referring to.

As-needed counselling sessions

Once you have attended regular counselling sessions for a while and your initial problems have been dealt with effectively, you and your counsellor may decide regular appointments are no longer required. As-needed counselling sessions are much more flexible and allow you to address issues in your life as and when they appear.

If you are interested in becoming a therapist, be sure to check out our counselling and hypnotherapy courses. Get in touch with us today to see how you can make a difference by becoming a counsellor today. You can also request one of our course prospectuses online.

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