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Counselling offered to Hibs football squad following tragedy

December 20, 2013

1 minute, 10 seconds

Players at Hibernian football club will be offered counselling sessions after the sudden death of 18-year-old squad member David Paul.

The tragedy has had a real impact on everyone at the club, according to captain Liam Craig. He told that - in addition to counselling sessions - the younger players could rely on being able to talk with senior pros.

Craig described how everyone will deal with the situation differently, but he highlighted how important it is for people to have someone to talk to. The skipper revealed that he has never had to handle a situation like this in football.

He said: "It's just horrible, a sad, sad day for Edinburgh, Tynecastle, everyone. Horrible. When I found out I just sat in disbelief, being a parent myself as well. David was a popular guy. I only knew him for a few months, but reading what his team-mates were saying about him ... it was just far too soon."

It is not only Hibs that are in mourning in Edinburgh - local rivals Hearts gave a minute's applause before their game on Boxing Day to pay tribute to Jamie Skinner, a 13-year-old former Hearts youth player who passed away on the pitch while playing for Tynecastle Boys Club, reports's Eurosport section.

In an unhappy coincidence, Craig also played for Tynecastle as a young boy, making both tragedies quite personal for him.

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