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We are prepared- Chrysalis and the Coronavirus

March 10, 2020

1 minute, 4 seconds


We are fully prepared for any impact the virus may have on our courses, and have in place a well thought out action plan to ensure your studies run smoothly.

  • Where needed, we can conduct your interview via phone, skype or Zoom so that you need not delay in starting your studies.
  • If we have to postpone any face to face to face classes, we are fully prepared to undertake the following actions where needed:
    • Offer temporary online alternatives e.g. Google Classroom, Zoom etc.
    • Rearrange timetables so that catching up is easy and your overall course length doesn’t change
    • Change elements of your syllabus around so that a bit more theory work is covered first
    • Offer additional recognised online qualifications free of charge

In addition, our Accrediting Bodies have worked to ensure that, until the coronavirus is under control, if necessary:

  • You can be qualified and registered with fewer face to face hours so that moving into practice isn’t delayed
  • You can then make up hours if needed after qualification
  • They will offer additional support to you , as well as checking in on your practice to make sure everything’s OK.

With all these measures in place, there’s no better time than to change your future and start studying with Chrysalis today.

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