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BMA urges doctors to get tougher on alcohol misuse

June 12, 2013

1 minute, 2 seconds

The British Medical Association (BMA) has urged doctors to get tough on those who abuse alcohol.

The warning comes after a report found that even though three-quarters of those admitted to hospital for alcohol had already been admitted before, a third of patients were never referred to alcohol support services by doctors.

Research for the report was carried out by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD), according to

Talking about the situation, the British Medical Association's director, Dr Vivienne Nathanson, claimed that research shows more needs to done to help save lives - particularly when it comes to alcohol abuse.

She told "It is tragic that so many of these individuals are suffering from preventable illness. We must act now to prevent this shocking loss of life as a result of alcohol misuse."

Those who feel like they have got a problem with alcohol may want to visit their GP, who could recommend things to help, such as counselling courses to work behind the issues behind alcohol dependence.

The NCEPOD also claimed that patients who attend hospital should be screened for alcohol misuse and that those who display harmful drinking behaviour should be referred straight away to alcohol support services.

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