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Biffy Clyro drummer opens up about alcohol addiction

January 7, 2013

1 minute, 1 second

Scottish rock band Biffy Clyro almost disbanded after drummer Ben Johnston's alcohol addiction spiralled out of control and threatened to 'tear them apart', reports

The group, which spoke to, opened up about Johnston's struggles for the first time, stating that a cheeky sip of Johnston's favourite drink quickly turned into a raging drink problem which didn't stop.

Commenting on his addiction, Johnston said: "I had no stop button. I would just keep going and black out. Me and Simon (Neil, lead singer) massively drifted apart."

Soon enough, Johnston was missing flights to Los Angeles where the band rehearses. In addition, he was passing out during recording sessions due to his heavy drinking. As a result, this proved to be the wake-up call Johnston need, according to the band.

Alcoholism or any form of addiction, be it drugs, sex, gambling or others, is very serious. However, there are avenues to take that can help with addiction - for example, a hypnotherapy course can help uncover any root causes for such behaviour.

Now, the drummer has managed to stay sober ever since that recording session. He even declined to toast his June wedding to his girlfriend in order to avoid temptation.

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