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8 benefits to couples counselling

December 13, 2022

3 minutes, 45 seconds

Read all of our benefits to couples counselling. 

Couple having a counselling session

Life isn’t simple and there are a whole host of daily challenges that can put a strain on a relationship. This can lead to conflict and, in the worst cases, even result in separation or divorce.

From infidelity, loss of intimacy and financial pressures, to stress challenges, partner expectations and the breaking of boundaries, relationship challenges can affect even the most committed couples. After all, life is a volatile rollercoaster that has its highs and its lows.

The key to overcoming couple challenges is to talk about them and counselling is a great way to seek professional guidance and support from trained therapists, who will help you to address any conflict areas.

Here are the 8 benefits of couples counselling:

Gain a deeper understanding of each other’s feelings

One of the main benefits of couples counselling is that you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of each other’s feelings and perspectives, which can play a huge role in bringing you closer together and helping you to regain mutual respect.

A counsellor will help you to open up about subjects that might typically cause conflict or can feel somewhat uncomfortable to bring up with your partner, including issues such as religion, having kids, and your greatest fears.

This level of insight will help you to understand, and better meet your partner’s mental and physical needs.

Set goals

We all have a vision of how we see our lives unfolding. And, when you’re in a relationship, it’s important that you are on the same page, fully understanding each other’s life goals and dreams for the future.

A counsellor will help you to set these out and establish how you can work towards achieving them together.

Iron out conflicts with extended family

It’s true what they say, we can’t choose our family. And it’s not uncommon for people to struggle to form meaningful relationships with their extended family and in-laws.

And, if you don’t see eye to eye with your in-laws, this can cause a whole host of turmoil for you and your partner, especially when it comes to spending time with them on special occasions.

A counsellor is trained to help you understand how you can set boundaries and enhance your relationship with others, including your in-laws and extended family.

Understanding your role in the relationship

All couples should work together to build a happy household, and this often starts with understanding your role and each other’s expectations in terms of childcare, household cleaning and other day-to-day commitments.

If your partner feels like they are doing more, this could lead to divisions and conflicts.

Discussing politics and religion

Politics and religion are two topics that can spark much debate and cause problems in relationships.

A counsellor can help you and your partner to understand that it is ok to have different opinions and still respect and love each other.

Improve your communication skills

Communication is key to any successful relationship. Failing to communicate and bottling up your feelings can lead to a whole host of long-term problems that may become unresolvable.

A counsellor will help you to learn how to communicate with your partner more effectively and in a way that works for you both.

Get expert advice

Another great advantage of couple counselling is that you will be able to gain help, support and advice from an impartial source with the skills and expertise to guide you down the right path and help you overcome issues that could threaten your relationship if left unaddressed.

A counsellor will use a catalogue of different techniques to help you and your partner move forward with your relationship.

Learn how to overcome obstacles

Every couple will face obstacles that challenge their relationship – trust us, nothing is ever plain sailing!

From affairs and financial infidelity to addictions and problems defining roles, there are countless hurdles that you could potentially have to overcome in a relationship. A counsellor will act as an impartial mediator and help you to figure out the best ways to overcome these obstacles.

Remember, if the love is still there, every relationship is worth fighting for and counselling can be integral to helping you and your partner to overcome your problems, whatever they may be.

Become a couples counsellor

If you’re interested in becoming a counsellor to support those dealing with problems in their relationship, find out how to become a counsellor or sign up for one of our Chrysalis Counselling Courses.

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