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Level 5 Certificate

The Chrysalis Level 5 Certificate in Working with Neurodiverse Clients


3 days

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About This Certificate

The Chrysalis Level 5 Certificate in Working with Neurodiverse Clients

GLH: 24, TQT: 150, Credits: 15

In recent years, the number of people diagnosed with ADHD or Autism has increased and counsellors are finding that more clients seeking support identify as neurodiverse.

This course aims to introduce topics of particular importance in this area of work, emphasising that counselling neurodivergent people is in some ways different from counselling those who do not identify as neurodivergent. We look at contemporary theoretical models relating to neurodiversity and examine the key ideas using an underpinning pluralistic stance.

Learners will understand issues which neurodiverse people may confront and how to positively support them to work through those issues. We explore and review those skills and interventions found to be valuable in working with neurodiverse people.

Learners will be encouraged to identify and explore neurotypical biases and how these can be addressed as well as examining the influence of disability models that seek to ‘other’ neurodiverse individuals. Legal issues and fundamental principles governing disability are examined with reference to relevant legislation, including the Equality Act 2010, and the Human Rights Act 1998.

This Ofqual-regulated Level 5 qualification will equip you with the skills and knowledge to work with this client group.

The course is taught by an experienced and knowledgeable tutor-practitioner. Course materials and further resources are provided.


17th , 24th and 25th June 2025




The fee is £675 plus King's Trust Registration of £60 - both payable upon enrolment.

Who can apply:

Students must already have a Level 5 Ofqual recognised counselling qualification or be in their third year of studies with Chrysalis Not For Profit.


How it will be assessed 3000 words theoretical essay – choice of 3 titles

Next start date for each of these short courses:

  • Each of these courses is a 3-day course.
  • Start Date 17th , 24th and 25th June 2025


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Example: Full name of qualification / Level / Date undertaken.

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    Sandy Michaels Chrysalis Student

    “The Interviewer made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I left the interview feeling confident that Chrysalis is the right choice for me”

    Amanda Woods Chrysalis Student

    "As a former health professional, I was accepted, last year, to do a Degree in Counselling before realising the impact of the cost of the enormous Fees attached! This lead to my search for related course providers, hence Chrysalis, offering such value. Amazed & wishing I had been introduced to Hypnotherapy earlier as now it completely consumes me."

    Mary Anne Chrysalis Student
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