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About This Course

Chrysalis Online Certificate in the Introduction to PTSD & Trauma

Chrysalis Online Certificate in the Introduction to PTSD & Trauma

4 Hour

Chrysalis Online 4 Hour CPD courses are designed to provide you with valuable knowledge and skills in addition to your core therapy training.

These each provide four hours of recognised CPD. You will work through the online course on Moodle (our learning platform) in your own time.

You will receive a digital certificate upon course completion.

You will learn how our brains protect us: intrusions (flashbacks), avoidance (of reminders / dissociation); hyperarousal and hypervigilance (anxiety / reactivity) and the effect on memory.

With discussion on why not all exposed to trauma will develop PTSD; discussion of links to individual perceived severity of the trauma and availability of post traumatic support. How brains adapt: how and why depression, anxiety disorders (inc. OCD) and addiction can develop in those with PTSD.

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Learning Objectives

  • 1

    To understand the definitions of PTSD, Complex PTSD and Trauma and their Comorbidities

  • 2

    To understand brain function in relation to PTSD and the role of memory

  • 3

    To understand the symptomology of PTSD and Trauma and Assessment

  • 4

    To understand a wide range of strategies and approaches in helping people with PTSD

Recognised By

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Payment £50.00