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About This Course

Chrysalis Certificate in Managing Panic Attacks

Chrysalis Certificate in Managing Panic Attacks

7 Hour

12th August 2025

This workshop takes a hypnotherapy approach to helping clients manage panic attacks and will present a therapy plan involving the writing and delivery of hypnotic scripts. The workshop is therefore designed for delegates who have training in hypnotherapy.

This workshop takes a cognitive approach to hypnotherapy, where models and evidence of how best to work with panic are presented.


The course will present a hypnotherapy model, so is aimed at hypnotherapists. It will draw on best research in relation to how experience of panic generates and what methods are best for the client to learn to overcome these. This research is mainly from cognitive psychology but will be introduced in a simple form for those who may not have any training in CBT

Content on the day will include:

  • What is a panic attack? Types of panic attacks (expected/unexpected).
  • How can the symptoms of panic manifest somatically and psychologically?
  • What does it feel like to have a panic attack and how long can they last?
  • Are panic attacks and anxiety intrinsically linked or can they be experienced separately?
  • The causes and prevalence of panic attack disorders in the UK.
  • The Psychodynamic approach: Exploring the root cause of panic attacks – is this helpful or detrimental to the client?
  • The person-centred approach to assisting clients and helping them overcome panic attacks – compassion, empathy, understanding, holding the client emotionally, acceptance, positive re-enforcement, unconditional positive regard, congruence.
  • Guided self-help. Self-coping mechanisms for clients who have had panic attacks – strategies to heal.
  • The importance of being self-aware: mindfulness, meditation, self-care and self-hypnosis or Hypnotherapy.

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Reuben Turkie
Reuben Turkie

Reuben is an integrative NCS Registered Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (AIMcert, NCS, Psy.C), & Hypnotherapist (AIMcert, NHS). Also working as an Associate lecturer for Chrysalis Courses, CPD Trainer, business consulta…

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Learning Objectives

  • 1

    Be able to define ‘panic attack’ and to recognise symptoms of panic

  • 2

    Know a model of how panic develops and is then maintained

  • 3

    Provide personalised hypnotic scripts and tools to a client to assist them to manage their panic

  • 4

    Know a process of therapy to assist clients to manage their panic

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