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About This Course

Chrysalis Certificate in Introduction to Working with Addictions

Chrysalis Certificate in Introduction to Working with Addictions

7 Hour

13th August 2025

You will explore the key concepts of substance use and behavioural disorders, (definitions, concepts, labels & stigma), the impact of poor mental health and other factors.

You will also look at substance use disorders and the impact of drugs and alcohol on wellbeing across the life span and the wider effects, i.e., foetal alcohol syndrome, hidden harm and Korsakoff Syndrome.


You will explore ideas around substance use and attempts at regulation, i.e. licencing laws, prohibition and current UK drug legislation, alongside future thinking on substance treatments and destigmatising of services. The changes in drug use and quantities, i.e. cannabis strength and increased cocaine use, including injecting, together with polydrug use and abuse of prescription medications. Self-medication and mental health (dual diagnoses) will also be explored.

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Chris Mc Mahon
Chris McMahon

Chris began his counselling journey in 2009, following many years in business management and then essential skills tuition when he achieved a High Diploma in Counselling through NRC and the UU, as an integrative counsell…

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