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CPD Workshop (7-Hour CPD Workshops)


This one-day workshop will introduce you to the world of NLP and offer you the opportunity to learn some basic skills and techniques which can benefit you personally in your everyday life by improving your communication, building rapport, and observing body language. Through regular practice and application, you will be able to transfer these skills into a therapeutic coaching session with your clients to help them implement change.

On this course you will learn how the mind works, the difference between the conscious and unconscious mind and the representational systems that we use through the ‘Communication model’.

You will learn how important it is to read and calibrate a person’s body language which represents our biggest form of non-verbal communication.

You will be able to elicit a client’s core values and belief systems to help motivate them by using the practical skills and techniques that NLP has to offer.

Learning objectives:

  • Understanding NLP and how we communicate
  • Using NLP personally in your everyday life to improve your communication
  • The use of Presuppositions of NLP
  • How our mind works – conscious and unconscious processes
  • Understanding the different ways that people think
  • Representational systems using the ‘Communication model’
  • The importance of body language
  • How to build rapport
  • Working with ‘Core values and beliefs’
  • Be able to use NLP techniques with your clients to affect change
  • The importance of setting goals
  • Exercises or task to use with your clients

The key points that will be covered in the workshop:

  • Brief history of NLP and it’s influencers
  • Benefits of using NLP with clients
  • How we communicate
  • The Representational systems
  • The Presuppositions of NLP
  • Calibrating body language, building rapport
  • Working with core values and beliefs


Alma Griffith will be your tutor for this workshop.

Please click here to view her NCPS profile.

Book Your Place

Your Details
Your Address
Workshop Date
Please provide details of your counselling qualification
Payment £90.00